A year on blockers a significant increase was found in the first item “I deliberately try to hurt or kill self” in the Youth Self Report questionnaire, a finding by Michael Biggs in his research
“Maybe we are medicating gay children, kids with autism and maybe medicating traumatised children. And if we are, we are doing bad things to these vulnerable kids.” - Tavistock Whistleblower, Newsnight, 2019
In an exit interview when he left the trust, Matt Bristow said that he was particularly concerned about gay children who were referred to the service having been bullied. In documents seen by The Times, he said he feared this may have motivated some young people to say they wanted to change sex and that he ‘tried hard not to let [them] get drawn into the service’. Bristow said he was one of several gay members of staff at the clinic who felt concerned that patients’ homosexuality was being ignored, and that four had left at the time of his exit interview.
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